Saturday, May 17, 2008

Survivor sucks!

I wrote a post about survivor a few weeks ago because the episode of Survivor I watched that week was good.
But since then it went all downhill.
What a bunch of crap!!!
Was there anything Survivor related in the last episode?
It seemed more like a mix of the Bachelor(another stupid reality show) and desperate Housewives!
They scored some points with animal rights organisations for releasing the chicken, but the chicken is probably dead by now of starvation or eaten by an other animal.
None of them will have to look for a job as an actor, they are all bad at it.
Ozzy behaved like a 10 year old kid, at least I had a big laugh with that.
The presenter said it was one of the best survivor seasons ever, so I didn't miss much the years before.
The real survivors are the viewers who watched it till the end, you have to have a very strong will power to have accomplished that.
The things I learned from survivor:
1. It rains sometimes in Micronesia.
2. You don't have to be smart to sell ice cream.
3. When people say one thing they will actually do the other thing.
4. Man are dumb.
5. If you are stuck on an uninhabited Island you will not starve to dead,there will always be someone who delivers you a 6 course meal.
6. If you get shipwrecked on an uninhabited Island and you don't want to leave, start digging holes and maybe you find a little Idol. Once you have that no one can take you off the Island.
7. Don't watch a show that is labeled as Reality TV.

1 comment:

Lil' Boozie said...

You know, I must admit - I think I may be one of the only proud Survivor fans left. While I may not watch every season as its airing, I've managed to see most episodes at one time or another. In fact, you might want to give it another go, Cristian - there have been a lot of blindsides this season.. interesting cast, indeed.

Suz (a.k.a. Lil' Boozie)
"3 Troopin' Travelers"

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