Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Biofuels cause Great Poverty

According to aid agency Oxfam, biofuels are an important cause of the raising food prizes in the world. Biofuels are responsible for 30 percent of the increase in global food prices. Because of this around 30 million people worldwide are pushed into poverty.
Developed countries try to reduce their dependence on imported oil and cut emissions of carbon dioxide which led to a shortage of grain, pushing up commodity prices.

Biofuels are taking over agricultural land in the poorer countries and forcing farmers to expand into lands that are important carbon sinks, like forests and wetlands.

An Official report states that Rich countries spent up to $15 billion last year supporting biofuels while blocking cheaper Brazilian ethanol, which is far less damaging for global food security.

So think twice before you think you are saving the world by using biofuel!!!!

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