Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Makers of Angels and Demons banned from the Vatican

The makers of Angels and Demons, a prequel to The Da Vinci Code, have been banned from the Vatican.
In Angels and Demons a sinister elite known as the Illuminati to install their candidate as Pope and blow up the Vatican.
Crucial scenes where to shot in the churches Santa Maria del Popolo and Santa Maria della Vittoria.
The Church also condemned the Da Vinci Code, the first Dan Brown novel turned into a movie.
Tom Hanks also stars in Angels and Demons, which like The Da Vinci Code, is directed by Ron Howard.
Archbishop Velasio De Paolis stated that It would be unacceptable to transform churches into film sets so that his blasphemous novels can be made into films in the name of business.
The cast will have to shoot some scenes in the studio.
But it is a big question to me if Angels and Demons can satisfy the movie goers as The Da Vinci Code was far below average.

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