Monday, September 29, 2008

Mamma Mia Movie

I’m not a big fan of Musical Movies, but I definitely recommend everyone who have not watched this movie to watch it, especially if you are a fan of a successful pop group Abba.

It is the most hilarious, fantastic Musical Movie of all time. The movie is about a single mother, Donna (Meryl Streep) who has a daughter Sophie (Amanda Seyfried) who’s getting married at the age of 20. Sophie never knew her father and discovered that she got three potential fathers, Sam Carmical (Pierce Brosnan), Harry Bright (Colin Firth) and Bill Anderson (Stellan Skarsgard) that her mother have kept secret. Sophie secretly invited all three of her potential fathers to her wedding to find out which one of these men is her father. The movie got lots of unexpected twists and ending.
The whole story is woven together with the music of ABBA.

To find out more you should watch this great movie, as for me I won’t mind to watch it again in the theatre and can’t wait for the DVD to be realeased.

Rating 9/10

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sivaluk_htn said...
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